Reiser Relief Inc. is a volunteer run non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation founded by Father Bernard Reiser, who had been involved with Haiti outreach programs since 1996. Reiser Relief is a Minnesota based organization and it's mission is to provide relief, hope and dignity to the poor, elderly and homeless people of Haiti.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Haiti Matching Grant Reached
The $20,000 grant has now been matched on December 31, 2010; we wish to send many thanks to the many donors who have made this possible, who have now released $20,000 to be used for our projects in Haiti.
Online donation were processed on the Razoo, online platform for charitable giving. Razoo is dedicated to helping nonprofits embrace the benefits of online fundraising. Donations were also process by a Razoo affiliate – a custom Razoo portal for Minnesota nonprofits – as well as on GiveMN donors.
Projects include:
Fresh Water Delivery Truck in Cité Soleil & Port-Au-Prince, Haiti
Yearly delivery of over 4 million gallons of clean water to the poor in the slum of Cité Soleil. Delivering four 3,500 gallon loads of water, 6 days a week, 52 weeks per year to thousands of people. That is the equivalent of 800,000 five gallon buckets of water each year. Funds support local Haiti driver salaries, fuel and maintenance.
Reiser Relief sends cargo shipping containers filled with meal packets. Transportation cost per container is around $10,000. These food packets are assembled by volunteers in the U.S. and donated by the nonprofit organization Feed My Starving Children. For many children, the daily meal at school is the only one they will receive. This food is distributed in various parts of Haiti: Lespinasse, Cité Soleil, Leogonne, Jacmel, and Titanyen.
Terre Promise Primary School - Cite Soleil, Haiti : Funds are for teachers salaries so that school fees can be low enough to allow even the poorest families to send their children to school. We have also constructed classrooms, built school benches and given assistance for school uniforms, school and medical supplies, food and clean water. 400+ children attend school.
Reiser Heights Primary School Lespinasse, Haiti : Funds are for teachers salaries so that school fees can be low enough to allow even the poorest families to send their children to school. We have also constructed classrooms, built school benches and given assistance for school uniforms, school and medical supplies, food and clean water. 300+ children attend school.
Grace Village Titanyen, Haiti: Help build a village from the ground up. Reiser Relief assisted with Healing Haiti in purchasing 16 acres of land to build Grace Village. The estimated construction cost is $236,500 for the first building phase to include two orphanage dormitories, a feeding center, a 21,000 gallon cistern, water tower and a septic tank. The orphanage is for handicapped, deaf, abandoned, and orphaned children living in severe poverty.
With help like this, Reiser Relief can continue to save the lives of these extremely impoverished people! We live among abundance; the Haitians live in extreme poverty. They await your generous response and we pray for God’s abundant blessings upon you. With deep gratitude, we thank you for helping us to "Keep the Wheel Turning!" Together, we make a difference in touching the lives of thousands of people!
About Razoo
Founded in 2006 and based in Washington, D.C., Razoo is a trusted and innovative way to give and raise money online. Razoo offers a secure platform, a streamlined donation process, and a suite of free and easy-to-use fundraising tools that inspire individuals and nonprofits to give and fundraise online. To date, more than $22 million has been donated to thousands of charities in the U.S. and around the world through Razoo. More information is available online at
About GiveMN
GiveMN is an innovative online resource that is changing the way Minnesotans give and helping create a stronger nonprofit community for Minnesota. GiveMN is an independent 501(c) (3) supporting organization of the Minnesota Community Foundation. Many partners shaped GiveMN to build upon Minnesota’s strong tradition of philanthropy, For more information, go to
About Reiser Relief Inc.
Reiser Relief Inc. is a volunteer run non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation founded by Father Bernard Reiser, who has been involved with Haiti outreach programs for over 13 years. Reiser Relief is based in Coon Rapids, MN and its mission is to help the impoverished people of the Caribbean country of Haiti, the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.
Reiser Relief Inc.
Father Bernard Reiser
1800 - 111th Avenue NW #320
Coon Rapids, MN 55433 USA
Phone: 763-757-2295
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Reiser Relief Inc. Haiti Pamphlet
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Donate to Reiser Relief Haiti Projects on Razoo
You can now donate to Reiser Relief Haiti Projects that are listed on the Razoo giving platform.
With your help, Reiser Relief can continue to save the lives of these extremely impoverished people! We live among abundance, the Haitians live in extreme poverty. They await your generous response and we pray for God’s abundant blessings upon you. With deep gratitude, we thank you for helping us to "Keep the Wheel Turning!" Together, we make a difference in touching the lives of thousands of people!
Razoo is dedicated to helping nonprofits embrace the benefits of online fundraising. No other company in the online giving space offers nonprofits and donors the incredible value of free and innovative fundraising tools.
Razoo is an innovative online giving and fundraising website that brings together a comprehensive list of nearly one million charitable organizations, allowing users to easily find and donate to the charities of their choice. Its partnership with U.S. Bank will also have a positive impact on the nonprofit affiliates of – a custom Razoo portal for Minnesota nonprofits – as well as on GiveMN donors.
Both Razoo and GiveMN will continue to provide individuals and nonprofits a suite of free and inventive tools to encourage online giving and fundraising.
Enabled by the partnership with U.S. Bank, Razoo will also provide secure processing and donation disbursement services to nonprofits. For its part, U.S. Bank has a long tradition of serving and building the communities where it does business.
You CAN match YOUR donation for Reiser Relief - This means your $10 becomes $20, your $25 becomes $50 and your $100 becomes $200. Matching funds are available to Reiser Relief Inc. for support of short-term relief and long-term recovery efforts in Haiti.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Father Bernard Reiser Book Signing Dec 5 2010
Reiser's Ramblings Book signing by Father Reiser at
Epiphany Catholic Church - Gift Center - 1900 – 111 Avenue NW * Coon Rapids, MN 55433
Sunday December 5th - Fr. Reiser will be in the Gift Center signing his book starting at 11:30 a.m. on Sunday.
Reiser's Ramblings Books will be available for purchase and Haiti crosses will be available.
Store hours Saturday 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. and 4 to 7 p.m., Sunday 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The Gift Center is having thier annual open house celebration starting on December 4 and 5. Receive 10% off your total purchase that weekend. There will be candy canes, door prizes, and a free advent calendar.
To order Reiser’s Ramblings online
Reiser’s Ramblings is a collection of Fr. Bernard Reiser’s best columns written over the past three decades. Be inspired all over again as you read Father’s take on everyday topics such as family, kindness, gratitude, prayer, helping others, and staying focused on what’s important in life.
All profits from the sale of Reiser’s Ramblings go to Haitian relief efforts sponsored by Reiser Relief Inc. Help the needy and get a great keepsake of the best columns originally written for the parishioners of the Church of the Epiphany, Coon Rapids, MN
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Haiti's cholera outbreak

Cholera is a bacterial infection spread through contaminated water. It causes severe diarrhea and vomiting that can lead to dehydration and death within hours.
Haiti YouTube Video Cholera
Reports indicate that Cholera was not present in Haiti before the earthquake, but experts had warned that conditions were ripe for disease to strike in areas with limited access to clean water.
Reiser Relief funds a water truck that operates six days a week making four deliveries to many poor neighborhoods/tent cities/clinics in Cite Soleil and provides water free of charge, reaching numerous impoverished families where the local people carry the water home in 5 gallon buckets.
See Reiser Relief Haiti Water Delivery Truck
The water pumped from s deep aquifer and the Water Truck operation is run by Kevin McClellan who treats each load of water with chlorine.
Chlorine added to drinking water has helped in the safety of drinking water throughout the world. The chlorine damages the cell walls of water born bacteria such as eschera coli, (E coli) and cholera.
Kevin McClellan'S Story - Haiti Water Truck
Video on Kevin McClellan
Water Truck Aid is allways needed for fuel,repairs and supporting local drivers.
Donate now through a HAITI DONATION MATCH
Thank you so much for your generous donations for "Keep the Waters Flowing" to the poor people of Cite Soleil, Haiti.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Haiti Grace Village October 2010 Construction

Immediately after the earthquake, numerous obstacles became evident that would prevent or slow our efforts to cleanup the damage and start to rebuild. Fuel was in short supply and was actually unavailable for the first two weeks after the earthquake. Roads were often broken or impassible. Most of the stores and businesses were closed because of lack of electricity and telephone communication was almost nonexistent. Restarting construction came to a grinding halt.
MARCH 2010
By March, things started again to move. Fuel was available, roads had been at least partially cleared and temporary cell towers had been put in place. The downside was construction materials were in short supply or out of stock. International contractors had been brought in to clear sites and to start building temporary schools and government buildings. Much of the available construction materials were being used just to shore up damaged buildings.
The materials we needed, concrete and steel were hard to find. To add to the problem, the port was damaged preventing new materials from being imported.
APRIL 2010
By late April we were able to get concrete and by June were able to get some of the steel needed to build the trusses for the roof. Work continue though the summer and early fall to try to make up for lost time while not compromising quality and to bring the project closer to completion.
Photos in this document are were taken on October 10, 2010.
Video Slide Show of Grace Village October 10 photos
The concrete walls are complete, the trusses are built and up on all three buildings and the roof sheathing is installed on the two dormitories. The sheathing for the feeding center will be completed within the next week. All plumbing including cistern and septic tanks are roughed in and capped. We are also excited for the street children and elderly and the impact that the
new Feeding Center will have on their lives. Bringing food to those that often go hungry will provide us with the opportunity to share God's loving touch to those in need. As we look to building completion, we are now pressed to provide site cleanup, playground areas and a security wall around the property.
We have been blessed with support of many who helped the children and responded to our capital building fund. Many wanted to provide the funds to build the building that will become home to these children. The dormitories and the feeding center are fully funded. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
The challenge now however is security and site development. All of these are desperately needed and are unfunded at the present time. With the completion of the building being only a few months away, we are seeking urgently needed donations to help make Grace Village a reality for these children. Having a clean, safe and secure site is critically important to providing a quality environment for these children. The security wall must be build to protect those who come for food as well as those who live there.
The costs needed for completion are as follows:
Site Cleanup, Grading and Leveling $18,300 Playground and Soccer Field Development $22,400 Security Wall and Steel Gates $87,900
We are grateful for your support and thankful that God put you in our path. We know that he has blessed all of us and that it is our job to let some of those blessings flow through to others in need.
Read about Grace Village Recap Aug 2009 to Oct 2010
August 2009 Ground Breaking of Grace Village Video
April 2010 Video 360 degrees of Grace Village
Saturday, June 26, 2010
God’s Grace At Work Within Us -By Fr. Bernard Reiser
My family’s farm was on the edge of a small lake. The water was surrounded by woods except for our shoreline. In a north bay, closest to the farm, was an island with a cluster of trees whose roots were no doubt nourished by the water that surrounded them. This island was a favorite place of mine when I was a boy; I would go and sit in the shadow of the trees looking at water all around.
One spring the rains came in abundance and continued into the summer. Soon, the ground around the trees was covered with water until at last the trees stood immersed in the lake. Slowly but surely,the trees died, overpowered by the same water that once nourished their roots. The island eventually disappeared and the trees, lifeless,fell and soon floated away.
When I think of the lake, the lovely island and the beautiful trees,I am reminded of the spiritual life of so many. People are like the trees growing beautifully on the island and the water surrounding the island are the things of the world, namely the materialistic and secular influences of our modern society. As the number of material things and worldly interests increase, like the water, they slowly sap the individual of their spiritual life and growth.
Matters of God become less and less important as our interest in secular matters increase. When we focus on the pocketbook and material resources, which we rely upon to pay for worldly desires and various entertainments, our dependence on God is lessened.
Soon, prayer loses its value; reliance on a fat checkbook takes the place of a Providential God. The life of the spirit becomes less and less important and slowly it is drained from the person’s soul. What can be seen, touched, felt and enjoyed over powers the unseen and the realities of a future life. The glory and joy of the Kingdom, which God has promised to the faithful, are no longer taken seriously. How quickly the things of the world can wash away the storehouse of the spiritual that has been built over previous years.
We all live on the island of the spirit and we are surrounded by the worldly attractions that oftentimes seem so appealing, so delightful and so much to be sought after. But, like the water surrounding the island, they slowly gain greater hold, greater power, over the spiritual trees in our life.
I urge everyone to take inventory on how worldly things are encroaching on their spiritual life. Are we losing our grip on the great principles and teachings of Christ that we gained in our younger years? Are matters of God slowly getting watered down, rendered less and less important?
It is good to regularly take inventory of where we are in our relationship to God and the spiritual state of our soul. Is our island of the spirit growing stronger and expanding, or is the “water” of the world encroaching upon our spiritual fortifications? Youth, middle-aged or senior, it is never too early to take inventory of your spiritual life and to evaluate where you are in your journey to Heaven.
Don’t wait until your spiritual island has been washed away by the waters of a worldly existence. Jesus once said: What profit does a man show who gains the whole world and destroys himself in the process.(Mark 8:36)
These Ramblings offer considerations as you fortify yourself against the worldly influences that could otherwise engulf you.
-- Fr. Bernard Reiser -
Page 150-151 Reiser's Ramblings
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Reiser Relief Inc FEATURED INTERNATIONAL Charity on

The mission of is to empower individuals to change our world—leveraging their own voices, networks, and spheres of influence to improve the lives of others. The dedicated and accomplished team is committed to supporting and facilitating the efforts of our caring member community and the causes they champion so passionately.
Reiser Relief delivers yearly over 4,000,000 gallons of clean water to the poor in the slum of Cité Soleil; delivering four 3,500 gallon loads of water, 6 days a week, 52 weeks per year to thousands of people. That is the equivalent of 800,000 five gallon buckets of water each year. Kevin McClellan is the director of water project. See Reiser Relief at
Reiser Relief pays monthly expenses for our water delivery truck that brings water to tent cities, clinics and orphanages. Without the water that Reiser Relief supplies, people cannot survive! The water truck operates six days a week reaching untold impoverished families.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Reiser Relief is now a part of the eBay Giving Works Program
Currently there are no items for sale to benefit our organization, but you can help! Be the first to list an item on Ebay and help our cause today.
Turn your eBay listings into a force for good with eBay Giving Works. With each listing you can pledge to donate from 10% to 100%* of an item's final sale price to your favorite nonprofit and get a pro-rated fee credit on your Insertion fee and Final Value fees when your listing sells.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Father Bernard Reiser's NEW BOOK
Pre-orders being accepted now.
$20 per book, includes shipping.
All profits from book sales will go to help the children of Haiti through Reiser’s Relief Inc.
Reiser’s Ramblings is a collection of Fr. Bernard Reiser’s best columns written over the past three decades. Be inspired all over again as you read Father’s take on everyday topics such as family, kindness, gratitude, prayer, helping others, and staying focused on what’s important in life.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
April 2010 Haiti Relief Event by Reiser Relief Inc.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Musical Entertainment
Sherwin Linton and Pam
The Totino-Grace Jazz Band - Tim Hoffman, Director
Courtyards of Andover
13545 Martin Street Northwest
Andover, MN 55304
(763) 767-3336
To all who have or may support Reiser Relief, Incorporated,
I extend my most sincere gratitude to you for helping God’s neediest people. We are fulfilling one of our Lord’s greatest admonitions to us because every human person is created in the image and likeness of God. It is an awesome privilege for us to extend a helping hand to people in need.
In my many travels over the years, the poor of Haiti have touched me most intimately, and thus I have extended most of my resources there.
On Tuesday, April 27, 2010 at the Courtyards of Andover, we are having a gala event to bring a greater awareness to our relief efforts and to highlight the devastation and extreme needs of the Haitian people since January 12, 2010 tumultuous earthquake. It will provide greater opportunities to assist them in our gifts of water, food, shelter and education. Please invite your relatives, friends and neighbors to share in this evening of reaching out to people we have never seen.
I hope to see you on the 27th of April; If you are unable to attend the Haiti fundraiser event, but would like to donate, please see the Donation Page for online donation options or Mail-In donation form, so that you can share in this great endeavor.
With Blessings, Prayers and Love,
Father Bernard Reiser
President, Reiser Relief Board
Monday, March 22, 2010
Benefit concert to help Reiser Relief in Haiti at St. Cloud State Minnesota
present A Benefit Concert for Haiti & Chile
TUESDAY, MARCH 30TH, 2010 7:30 PM
Adults-$5; Seniors & Students-$3; Free w/SCSU ID
Tickets available at the door
The Collective is excited to collaborate with the Stearns County Pachanga Society, a local band committed to the performance of popular and traditional music of the Latin Americas. The SCSU Percussion Ensemble and the World Drumming Group will share the stage with the vibrant and popular Stearns County Pachanga Society sharing the rich musical traditions of Cuba and Haiti.
A major portion of the admission proceeds will be donated to Haitian and Chilean relief organizations in an effort to help those devastated by recent events. Bring your friends and family for what will be an exciting musical benefit for the peoples of Haiti and Latin America and help us support the rebuilding of those regions devastated by the recent earthquakes.
*Concert proceeds to benefit recovery efforts in Haiti and Chile;
Contributions will be accepted in the lobby following the concert.
Haiti Relief
Reiser Relief Inc.
c/o Father Bernard Reiser
1800 - 111th Avenue NW #320
Coon Rapids, MN 55433 USA
SCSU Music Office: (320) 308-3223
Check us out online!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
A $10 Donation Can Make a Difference In Haiti
$10 really can make a difference in Haiti. We are asking you to make a difference in the lives of the people in Haiti.
We wanted to let you know that Reiser Relief is in competition for grants ranging from $500 to $2000. We are 1 of 32 small non-profits, nationwide, to be accepted for this contest that runs from March 15 to March 30.
What is needed is “votes” and a vote is a $10 dollar donation for Haiti Relief. The non-profit who has the most votes wins.
Vote HERE for Reiser Relief
See the Leaderboard
The competition is hosted by Razoo, the same company that you used in processing your previous online donation, also Razoo is paying the credit card fess as well.
Razoo calls the fundraiser “March Goodness” and Reiser Relief is in the RazooNIT division. The “Votes” of a unique donor is identified in the Razoo's system by email address, so an email address can only vote once.
##### Your $$10 donation will also be doubled by a $10,000 grant gift given to Reiser Relief for online donation matching, making it $20. ######
See this link for more details on March Goodness.
The greatest area of need in Haiti is Food, Water and Shelter. We are working with other non-profits on getting shipping containers of food to Haiti. We are working with other non-profits for plans on repairing damaged to Terre Promise Primary School, The water trucks are making water deliveries to those in need, tent cities, orphanages, clinics and other areas of Cite Soleil. Earthquake relief efforts are continuing, for we are working on acquiring 500 tents and building supplies to create shelters for the homeless.
Again, thank you in helping us help Haiti
Reiser Relief Inc.
1800 - 111th Avenue NW #320
Coon Rapids, MN 55433 USA
Phone: 763-757-2295
April 27, 2010 Haiti Event Fundraiser –
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Haiti March Goodness Fundraiser
Your $10 is matched and becomes $20 - Your $10 can help Reiser Relief be awared a $2000 grant from Razoo to help the people of Haiti.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Haiti March Goodness 2010 Fundraiser for Reiser Relief Inc to help the impovershed people of Haiti
Reiser Relief Inc. has been selected for the RazooNIT 2010 Tournament
There are 32 nonprofits competing in the March Goodness RazooNIT 2010 Tournament and rules are simple:
The team who has the highest amount of unique donors who make a minimum $10 donation wins.
RazooNIT 2010 Tournament Details
Game Time - March 15 (12AM EST) – March 30 (11:59PM EST)
A $5,000 Purse - The top 4 organizations will win by having the highest amount of unique donors First Place$2000
Second Place $1500
Third Place $1000
Fourth Place $500
Razoo covers all credit card transaction fees, so 100% of your donations go to Reiser Relief!1
Matching $10,000 Grant Fund
Reiser Relief Inc. has Matching $10,000 Grant Fund
that is in-addition to the grant included in RazooNIT Tournament
This means
Your $10 becomes $20
Your $25 becomes $50
Your $100 becomes $200
Friday, March 5, 2010
Haiti bake sale fundraiser by kindergartners in Greece
Haiti bake sale fundraiser by kindergartners in Greece
The Melina’s Kindergarten and Melina’s Jr School of the International School of Athens located in Greece had a bake sale fundraiser to raise funds for people suffering in Haiti and to bring an awareness to each child as to what happens in the world around them. They wanted to find a charity that was already doing good work in Haiti which would be a good cause for the children to support. Reiser Relief Inc. was selected. In total, the children of school raised 574 Euros (approximately $775), and this gift was matched to make a total donation of $1550. Reiser Relief has a current matching grant, so in effect, it is amazing, that a small school of children in Greece was able to provide Haiti relief support of $3100.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Stillwater Gazette Community Faith Faith Formation to hear about Haiti relief by Fr. Bernard Reiser
The St. Croix Valley Faith Formation afternoon and evening confirmation classes will hear a presentation from Fr. Bernard Reiser on the Haiti relief effort.
The Faith Formation will be assisting Reiser and Haiti through its Lenten Almsgiving program, which will begin Feb. 24.
The public is invited to hear Reiser's presentation at 4 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. in the St. Michael's Social Hall and at 7:45 p.m. in St. Mary's Great Hall.
Reiser is the founding pastor of Epiphany Parish in Coon Rapids and served as their pastor for 40 years. For many years, the parish was known as one of the largest in the five-state area.
Reiser, now retired, has been very active in the Haiti relief effort. Over several years, he and others have also helped build a school, an elderly care facility, distributed food and water and operated an orphanage in the Caribbean island.
Reiser Relief Inc.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Qwest Communications donates to Haiti earthquake relief efforts
February 15, 2010 Qwest Communications (NYSE: Q) donates $500 to Reiser Relief Inc., through its innovative Qwest Foundation volunteer Matching-Time program. When an employee volunteers 40 hours or more to a nonprofit corporation this qualifies them to receive this grant once every six months. In 2009, current and former Qwest employees volunteered more than 1 million hours in the community, the equivalent of more than $20 million of in-kind resources to non-profits. Reiser Relief Inc. will use this grant towards Haiti earthquake relief efforts.
About Qwest Foundation
The Qwest Foundation's core principle is that investing in people and communities provides lasting value for the future. The Qwest Foundation awards grants to community-based programs that generate high-impact and measurable results, focusing on pre-K through grade 12 education.
About Reiser Relief Inc.
Reiser Relief Inc. is a volunteer run non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation founded by Father Bernard Reiser, who has been involved with Haiti outreach programs for over 13 years. Reiser Relief is based in Coon Rapids, MN and its mission is to help the impoverished people of the Caribbean country of Haiti, the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.
Contact Information
Qwest Media Contact
Diane Reberger
Reiser Relief Inc.
Father Bernard Reiser
1800 - 111th Avenue NW #320
Coon Rapids, MN 55433 USA
Phone: 763-757-2295
Friday, February 19, 2010
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Can you be 1 of 1600 people to donate $10 for Haiti Earthquake Relief?
Reiser Relief Inc. is asking each person reading this newsletter to visit this link and make a one-time online donation of $10 dollars to Reiser Relief Inc. Ten dollars from 1600 readers CAN make a serious difference in the relief supplies for Haiti. Reiser Relief has a $20,000 matching grant and your matching gift is needed to release these funds. Please help us by making a “2009” tax-deductible donation today, since “Haiti Donations” processed before March 1st can be claimed on your 2009 taxes.
Taxpayers who itemize deductions on their 2009 return qualify for this special tax relief provision, enacted Jan. 22. Only cash contributions made to these charities after Jan. 11, 2010, and before March 1, 2010, are eligible. This includes contributions made by text message, check, credit card or debit card.
Your one-time donation of $10 is double and can purchase a 117 meal packages, for each meal is only .17 cents; thus you can make a difference.
Reiser Relief Inc. is a volunteer run non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation founded by Father Bernard Reiser, who has been involved with Haiti outreach programs for over 13 years. Reiser Relief is based in Coon Rapids, MN and its mission is to help the impoverished people of the Caribbean country of Haiti, the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.
Reiser Relief Inc.
Father Bernard Reiser
1800 - 111th Avenue NW #320
Coon Rapids, MN 55433 USA
Phone: 763-757-2295
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Feed My Starving Children Donation For Haiti
Reiser Relief Inc. donates $10,000 to Feed My Starving Children. President and Founder, Father Bernard Reiser presented a check on February 2, 2010 to Mark Crea, Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) Executive Director.
Recent donations made to Reiser Relief is being used to send immediate relief to children in Haiti suffering with diarrhea. FMSC has an exclusive one of a kind formula designed specifically for people with diarrhea, particularly children under two years old. The food packet is called the MannaPack Potato, a fortified potato and soy protein meal package that costs 13 cents. The $10,000 donation will pay for 76,923 meals of MannaPack Potato for Haiti. The MannaPack potato is a 'first food' designed specifically for malnourished children with diarrhea. Diarrhea is the number 1 cause of death of malnourished children. Feed My Starving Children's original rice-based formula MannaPack Potato is produced by volunteers. The food-packing process offers a tangible service opportunity for children and adults and adds a human touch to the international food aid. To schedule a volunteer time visit In 2008, more than 310,000 volunteers joined FMSC to package 73.6 million meals for children around the world, and in 2009 19 million more meals were produced than in 2008.
Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) will strive to eliminate starvation in children throughout the world by helping to instill compassion in people to hear and respond to the cries of those in need. Feed My Starving Children provides a team-building environment where people of all ages can come together for a common cause: packing nutritious, life-saving meals for starving children. These meals are then shipped to more than 60 countries around the world, truly offering hope to the hungry.
Media Inquiries
Gwendolyn Cowle
Marketing Manager
Direct phone: 763.951.7313
Main office: 763.504.2919
Reiser Relief Inc. is a volunteer run non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation founded by Father Bernard Reiser, who has been involved with Haiti outreach programs for over 13 years. Reiser Relief is based in Coon Rapids, MN and its mission is to help the impoverished people of the Caribbean country of Haiti, the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.
Reiser Relief Inc.
c/o Father Bernard Reiser
1800 - 111th Avenue NW #320
Coon Rapids, MN 55433 USA
Phone: 763-757-2295
$20,000 Haiti Donation Match
Donor Matching Begins on Wednesday, February 3, 2010 at 11:00 am CST
Donations will be matched dollar for dollar.
Matching ends when the $20,000 grant is depleted.
A total of $20,000 in matching funds have been made available to Reiser Relief Inc. for support of short-term relief and
long-term recovery efforts in Haiti.