1/26/2011 Haiti Mission Trip Update From Shelly Mannella
We finally arrived and we are safe. We had to spend the night in Miami last night due to a broken airplane. We arrived at 10:00am today It is so nice to be back. The smells, the sounds, and the people, are what make me always want to come back.
We were able to do runs on the water truck today. The people still need the water desperatly. We were able to treat a few people who had wounds and we made some oral rehydration salts to send back to a very sick baby along with some infant tylenol. There are a few new additions to City Soleil this trip. Cholera clinics. They've set up two large areas with tents for cholera treatment and prevention. We also finally noticed there is some reconstruction going on.
We are going to Reiser Heights tomorrow and really looking forward to it. We plan on buying goats for a few families up there and have a lot of supplies to leave with them.
God Bless
Reiser Heights Primary School is up in the mountains of Les Pinasse, Reiser Relief has built a school, kitchen, sanitary block and 30,000 gallon cistern for 300+ children. To travel here you take road that is a very long and bumpy ride up the mountain will allow you to see the beautiful country side and farming communities of Haiti.
The water truck operates six days a week making four deliveries too many neighborhoods in Cite Soleil and reaching numerous impoverished families where the local people carry the water home in 5 gallon buckets.
Shelley, thank you for the update and letting us know you are safe. I am praying a special prayer each day for protection and strength for all the women in your group. ~Libby