1/29/2011 Haiti Mission Trip Update From Shelly Mannella
We need more time. There is so much to accomplish here and each time we think it will be easy it becomes more complicated. We visited Mother Teresa's orphanage yesterday. The sister's are incredible. It's hard to explain all they do and they never complain or get angry. They hear sick babies crying all day and still smile. When it was time for us to leave the babies started crying and one of the sisters took out crackers. She offered them to the kids but they shook their heads no. She said " Crackers can't replace the human touch".
Today we spent the day at an orphanage. Dr. Sem came to examine the kids. 85% of them need some kind of antibiotic. He saw 38 kids. The rest of us played with the kids while the others were being examined. These kids are so spiritual, they sing like angels and to listen to their prayers, it's unbelievable.
We stopped by an area where the bodies were dumped after the earthquake. It is full of black crosses and it's a very moving spot. We placed some rosaries on some of the crosses and prayed for their souls.
Thank you to everyone for your continous prayer, we have been blessed.
Please continue to pray, on Monday we will go to Mother Teresa's house for the dying. We have never been there and hope our prayers for the people will comfort them.
God Bless
Shelley, Missy, Marie
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