1/27/2011 Haiti Mission Trip Update From Shelly Mannella
We went to Reiser Heights today. It is a breathtaking drive up the mountain. The contrast is incredible. We came from cement and dust, up the mountain to fresh air and green land. It's still poverty but I say in the city it's chaotic poverty, in the mountain, it's quite poverty. It was good to visit Mialta, principle at Reiser Heights while school was in session.
The children are beautiful. We had them make bracelets with pipe cleaners and beads. Can you imagine going into our public schools and doing this and having the kids like it? We also had tooth paste and tooth brushes to give them along with school supplies and balls to play with. Two members of our team bought goats for some people in the community around Reiser Heights and we delivered them to the new owners.
There is a lot of need up there for the up keep of the building, adding new class rooms, stocking the shelves at the medical clinic, and keeping up on the salaries of the teachers. They work hard there to provide an education and also to involve the community in the school. The teachers were patient and kind, but the school books are worn.
They will continue on in their silent poverty trying to make a life for the children by providing them with an education.

Reiser Heights by Marie Schrank Hi, it's Marie. We had such a great day today; taking in all the beauty that Haiti truly has to offer. We took a two hour drive up the Mts. of Fort-Jacques /Donte/Lespinasse, which was absolutely breath taking and gave me a whole new perspective of Haiti. The drive took us up to Reiser Heights which is a school for all age children of which over 400 attend. What a wonderful time we had sharing a craft and treats with the kids. The Haitiian children are so kind and grateful. You can see the innocence and love in their eyes. They loved our presence and we loved being with them. It was hard to leave them. We took many wonderful pictures and hope to share them with you all. Many blessings to you all until tomorrow.
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