Saturday, October 23, 2010

Haiti's cholera outbreak

OCTOBER 23 2010 News reports indicate the Haiti cholera outbreak has spread outside a rural valley in central Haiti and this has intensified worries the disease could reach many of the tarp camps that house hundreds of thousands of earthquake survivors in the capital.

Cholera is a bacterial infection spread through contaminated water. It causes severe diarrhea and vomiting that can lead to dehydration and death within hours.

Haiti YouTube Video Cholera

Reports indicate that Cholera was not present in Haiti before the earthquake, but experts had warned that conditions were ripe for disease to strike in areas with limited access to clean water.

Reiser Relief funds a water truck that operates six days a week making four deliveries to many poor neighborhoods/tent cities/clinics in Cite Soleil and provides water free of charge, reaching numerous impoverished families where the local people carry the water home in 5 gallon buckets.

See Reiser Relief Haiti Water Delivery Truck
Water Truck Videos

The water pumped from s deep aquifer and the Water Truck operation is run by Kevin McClellan who treats each load of water with chlorine.

Chlorine added to drinking water has helped in the safety of drinking water throughout the world. The chlorine damages the cell walls of water born bacteria such as eschera coli, (E coli) and cholera.

Kevin McClellan'S Story - Haiti Water Truck

Video on Kevin McClellan

Water Truck Aid is allways needed for fuel,repairs and supporting local drivers.

Donate now through a HAITI DONATION MATCH
Donation Match Video

Thank you so much for your generous donations for "Keep the Waters Flowing" to the poor people of Cite Soleil, Haiti.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Haiti Grace Village October 2010 Construction


Immediately after the earthquake, numerous obstacles became evident that would prevent or slow our efforts to cleanup the damage and start to rebuild. Fuel was in short supply and was actually unavailable for the first two weeks after the earthquake. Roads were often broken or impassible. Most of the stores and businesses were closed because of lack of electricity and telephone communication was almost nonexistent. Restarting construction came to a grinding halt.

MARCH 2010

By March, things started again to move. Fuel was available, roads had been at least partially cleared and temporary cell towers had been put in place. The downside was construction materials were in short supply or out of stock. International contractors had been brought in to clear sites and to start building temporary schools and government buildings. Much of the available construction materials were being used just to shore up damaged buildings.

The materials we needed, concrete and steel were hard to find. To add to the problem, the port was damaged preventing new materials from being imported.

APRIL 2010

By late April we were able to get concrete and by June were able to get some of the steel needed to build the trusses for the roof. Work continue though the summer and early fall to try to make up for lost time while not compromising quality and to bring the project closer to completion.


Photos in this document are were taken on October 10, 2010.

Video Slide Show of Grace Village October 10 photos

The concrete walls are complete, the trusses are built and up on all three buildings and the roof sheathing is installed on the two dormitories. The sheathing for the feeding center will be completed within the next week. All plumbing including cistern and septic tanks are roughed in and capped. We are also excited for the street children and elderly and the impact that the
new Feeding Center will have on their lives. Bringing food to those that often go hungry will provide us with the opportunity to share God's loving touch to those in need. As we look to building completion, we are now pressed to provide site cleanup, playground areas and a security wall around the property.

We have been blessed with support of many who helped the children and responded to our capital building fund. Many wanted to provide the funds to build the building that will become home to these children. The dormitories and the feeding center are fully funded. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!


The challenge now however is security and site development. All of these are desperately needed and are unfunded at the present time. With the completion of the building being only a few months away, we are seeking urgently needed donations to help make Grace Village a reality for these children. Having a clean, safe and secure site is critically important to providing a quality environment for these children. The security wall must be build to protect those who come for food as well as those who live there.

The costs needed for completion are as follows:

Site Cleanup, Grading and Leveling $18,300 Playground and Soccer Field Development $22,400 Security Wall and Steel Gates $87,900

We are grateful for your support and thankful that God put you in our path. We know that he has blessed all of us and that it is our job to let some of those blessings flow through to others in need.


Read about Grace Village Recap Aug 2009 to Oct 2010
August 2009 Ground Breaking of Grace Village Video
April 2010 Video 360 degrees of Grace Village