You have the opportunity to make a huge difference for the poor in Haiti. With your help Reiser Relief can continue to provide essential services to many Haitian families in their day-to-day efforts for survival.
These services include providing fresh water, stocking food centers, funding education, supporting the poor elderly.
One of our goals is to keep Father Reiser’s legacy alive by continuing to fund his projects in Haiti and be involved in helping to fund additional much-needed projects in Haiti as Father would have done.
You can pre-schedule your online donation by logging into "Your GiveMN account" from November 1-14. This feature allows donors to schedule their gift ahead of time to be processed on Give to the Max Day, November 15, just like scheduling household bill payments or other transactions.
Scheduled donations are deducted from donors' credit or debit card at 12 a.m. on November 15 and will be eligible for the 12 a.m. to 1 a.m. Golden Ticket, as well as helping their nonprofit advance on the leaderboard. We hope this new feature will help donors take part even if their calendars are full on November 15.
To schedule a donation Click this link and donate on Nov 1 to 14 - Reiser Relief - Bringing Hope to Haiti and then look to the right on page - as seen by image to the right to setup this automatic feature.
If you are unable to make a contribution on-line, you can mail your contribution noting “GTMD” on the memo line. Reiser Relief Inc. PO Box 48096 Coon Rapids, MN 55448.
It’s hard to believe that a year ago at this time, our beloved friend and spiritual leader, Father Bernard Reiser, was still alive and actively involved with his mission he held so close to his heart, Reiser Relief. Father was pleased with the progress that had been made in Haiti, but he had so much more he still wanted to accomplish in the poverty-stricken country.
With the help of some of his dedicated supporters, Reiser Relief is making a difference every day: To provide relief, hope and dignity to the poor, elderly and homeless people of Haiti.
Look for Reiser Relief on the Main and Medium sized nonprofit leaderboards where you can join in the friendly competition as you watch nonprofits jockey for position in four leaderboard categories (All nonprofits, medium nonprofits, small nonprofits, colleges & universities). As you watch your favorite nonprofit inch up the leaderboard, maybe an extra donation or two from you could help them win prize grant money by placing somewhere in the top 10.
Make your gift go even further! GiveMN’s Give to the Max Day amplifies your giving impact. Learn the different ways you can "MAXimize your donations for one day only!
24 Golden Tickets - During Give to the Max Day, one donor will be randomly chosen every hour by GiveMN to have $1,000 added to their donation. It’s a Golden Opportunity for Reiser Relief to further
Here is how it works: Throughout the Nov. 15th event, an individual donor will be selected from donations made within that given hour, between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 11:59 p.m.

So basically, entry for the Golden Ticket contest is based on individual transactions. There's no limit to how many times a donor or nonprofit can win these bonus dollars during the entire event.
Attention night owls: Giving activity is lighter at night and in the wee hours of the morning. Consider donating to Reiser Relief during these hours.
Super-size Golden Ticket - Ten-Grand Golden Ticket - One donor’s contribution will be randomly drawn by GiveMN at the close of the event 11:59 p.m. from ALL CONTRIBUTIONS TRANSACTIONS made during the 24-hour period to have $10,000 added to their donation.
-To provide relief, hope and dignity to the poor, elderly and homeless people of Haiti.
-To provide relief from malnutrition and water born illness by providing food and clean water to women, children and elderly living in slums and impoverished situations.
-To provide hope for the poorest children and orphans by funding education and housing.
-To strive, by the Grace and Greatness of God, to be the hands and feet of Christ in serving the most vulnerable Haitians.
Video from our May 2012 Haiti Trip
May 2012 Blog Writings - Haiti Trip
May 20 - Hait Day 1 - May 23-Water Truck - May 24 So Many things
Watch a 4-minute video created in 2009: An Introduction on how to make and track your a donations on GiveMN by Exec. Dir. Dana Nelson
May 2012 Blog Writings - Haiti Trip
May 20 - Hait Day 1 - May 23-Water Truck - May 24 So Many things
My sister, Joyce, and I, Father’s nieces, made our first visit to Haiti in May and at this time, Joyce is currently leading a mission trip in Haiti. We were able to see firsthand some of the many projects Father Reiser and Reiser Relief are part of in Haiti. We were thrilled to see all that has been done (good things ARE happening in Haiti!), but extremely touched and saddened to see how much suffering still takes place there on a daily basis. The trip strengthened our belief that we at Reiser Relief CAN make a difference in Haiti -- a difference to the MAX.
Thank you for participating as we work together to provide relief to the neediest people in the Western Hemisphere. We thank you for your interest and support in helping us spread HOPE to the men, women, and children of Haiti. Any contribution you can make is greatly appreciated.
Ann Brau
President, Reiser Relief
Father Reiser’s niece
Watch a 4-minute video created in 2009: An Introduction on how to make and track your a donations on GiveMN by Exec. Dir. Dana Nelson
Public Service Announcement for Give to the Max Day
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